Source code for pinn.api.device

:copyright: (c) 2019 Pinn Technologies, Inc.
:license: MIT

from .list import List
from .log import Log
from ..requester import Requester

[docs]class Device(object): """Device resource and interface. Attributes: response (dict): Underlying dictionary response object (str): Identifier for the resource device_id (str): Unique ID for the device user_id (str): ID of the user the device is registered to created_at (int): Unix timestamp in seconds for when the app was created updated_at (int): Unix timestamp in seconds for when the app was last updated name (str): Human readable name of the device make (str): Manufacturer make of the device model (str): Model identifier of the device platform (str): Either `ios` or `android` platform_version (str): Last recorded platform version of the device framework_version (str): Last recorded framework version for the device push_notification_token (str, optional): Device APNS or FCM push notification token """ OBJECT_NAME = 'key' endpoint = '/v1/devices' def __init__(self, response): """Initialize a user model with an API response.""" self.response = response self.object = response['object'] self.device_id = response['device_id'] self.user_id = response['user_id'] self.created_at = response['created_at'] self.updated_at = response['updated_at'] = response['name'] self.make = response['make'] self.model = response['model'] self.platform = response['platform'] self.platform_version = response['platform_version'] self.framework_version = response['framework_version'] self.push_notification_token = response.get('push_notification_token') @classmethod def list(cls, limit=None, starting_after=None): """List created Pinn users.""" response = Requester.get(cls.endpoint, params={'limit': limit, 'starting_after': starting_after}) return List(response, Device, limit) @classmethod def list_logs(cls, device_id, limit=None, starting_after=None): """List created Pinn users.""" endpoint = cls.endpoint + '/' + device_id + '/logs' response = Requester.get(endpoint, params={'limit': limit, 'starting_after': starting_after}) return List(response, Log, limit)
[docs] @classmethod def retrieve(cls, device_id): """Retrieve a specific key for a given user.""" return Device(Requester.get(cls.endpoint + '/' + device_id))
@classmethod def delete(cls, device_id): """Remove a key from the user's keychain.""" return Requester.delete(cls.endpoint + '/' + device_id)