Source code for pinn.errors

# :copyright: (c) 2019 Pinn Technologies, Inc.
# :license: MIT

import requests

[docs]class PinnError(Exception): """Base exception class for a Pinn API Error.""" def __init__(self, response): """Create a PinnError object with a response dictionary object.""" try: error = response.json()['error'] self._message = error["message"] self.code = error["code"] self.type = error["type"] except: # NOQA FIXME self._message = response.reason self.code = response.status_code self.type = PINN_ERROR_CODE_MAP[response.status_code] super(PinnError, self).__init__(self._message)
[docs] @staticmethod def from_response(response): """Create an error of the right PinnError subclass from an API response.""" if response.status_code == return APIError(response) if response.status_code in [,,]: return APIConnectionError(response) error = response.json()["error"] cls = PINN_ERROR_TYPE_MAP.get(error['type'], PinnError) return cls(response)
[docs]class InvalidRequestError(PinnError): """The request was malformed and could not be understood by the server. This could mean that an incorrect type was sent for a parameter, an invalid HTTP method was used or that the resource you are requesting does not exist. Do not attempt to retry the request. """ pass
[docs]class AuthenticationError(PinnError): """The secret key set is invalid and cannot be used to authenticate your request.""" pass
[docs]class RequestFailedError(PinnError): """The request was properly formed with valid syntax, but could not be performed. This occurs in scenarios where circumstances prevent an operation from being executed, typically this can be situations like invalid resource state to perform the op. """ pass
[docs]class ForbiddenError(PinnError): """This error is returned if you attempt to access a resource you don't own. Do not attempt to retry this error, and if you receieve this error it likely means you have an incorrect `secret_key` set on the library. """ pass
[docs]class RateLimitError(PinnError): """The API rate limit has been exceeded. You should attempt to retry this request after some time has passed. """ pass
[docs]class APIError(PinnError): """An internal server error caused the request to fail. Pinn is automatically notified if issues are encountered that are internal to our service. You should retry this request in case the error was intermittent. """ pass
[docs]class APIConnectionError(PinnError): """The Pinn host is unreachable, you can and should retry this request""" pass
PINN_ERROR_CODE_MAP = { 'internal_server_error', # 500 'service_unavailable', # 502 'gateway_timeout', # 503 'bad_gateway' # 504 } PINN_ERROR_TYPE_MAP = { 'bad_request': InvalidRequestError, # 400 'unauthorized': AuthenticationError, # 401 'forbidden': ForbiddenError, # 403 'not_found': InvalidRequestError, # 404 'method_not_allowed': InvalidRequestError, # 405 'conflict': RequestFailedError, # 409 'unprocessable_entity': RequestFailedError, # 422 'rate_limit_exceeded': RateLimitError, # 429 'internal_server_error': APIError, # 500 'service_unavailable': APIConnectionError, # 502 'bad_gateway': APIConnectionError, # 503 'gateway_timeout': APIConnectionError # 504 } # Non API Errors # --------------
[docs]class IDTokenVerificationError(Exception): """This exception can be raised during an attempt to verify an ID token. Potentially this can be from: - An invalid JWT signature - Missing required claims - `amr` claim mismatch from expectations """ pass
[docs]class ConfigurationError(Exception): """This error is thrown fast if the library is misconfigured. For example, if you attempt to call the library without a `secret_key` value set a ConfigurationError will be thrown. """ pass